Monthly Archives: December 2016

Winter 2017 Clio has lots of “uses”

We know journalism history is a useful topic, but the Winter 2017 edition of Clio in particular offers plenty of uses of journalism history for readers to consider.

Division chair Michael S. Sweeney reflects on using lessons of history to process the 2016 presidential election. Teaching chair Kristin L. Gustafson interviewed the University of Missouri’s Earnest Perry about history’s role in teaching reporting so that students can connect current events with the ones that preceded it. And PF&R chair Tracy Lucht reflects the role of teaching journalism history online for improving information literacy.

Newsletter editor Erika Pribanic-Smith also has included co-graduate student liaison Robert Greene II’s suggestions for graduate teaching assistants about using multimedia and a profile on history division member Dianne Bragg by Will Mari.

You can view the Winter 2017 Clio here, or you can download it from the Clio page.