It’s hard to believe we are finally at the end of what has no doubt been a busy semester. I appreciate all of the hard work of our members and executive team this year, and look forward to the History Division events and conferences in 2022.
The first 2022 event is the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium, held March 17th-19th as a hybrid event at the University of Memphis. The paper, panel, and research in progress deadline for the Southeast Colloquium is fast approaching on December 18, 2022 at 5 p.m. CT. More information about the conference can be found here.
A big thank you goes out to our Southeast Colloquium Division representative Dr. Scott Morton (Catawba College). If you have an interest in reviewing papers or serving as a moderator/discussant at the conference, please contact Dr. Morton at smorton17@catawba.edu. This conference is a great opportunity for graduate students and early career faculty. Remember that submissions accepted for presentation at the Southeast Colloquium can also be submitted to the AEJMC 2022 annual convention in Detroit.
As I mentioned last month, we also appreciate the numerous panel submissions we received for AEJMC 2022. Our division’s Vice Chair Dr. Maddie Liseblad (Cal.State-Long Beach) will send those notices out by January 2022.
This month’s CLIO showcases the ongoing work of our members, and also includes a call for an upcoming essay series in American Journalism. As this is the last CLIO of 2021, I want to thank everyone for their help in making the History Division a standout within AEJMC, and wish everyone a happy end of the semester, holiday, and New Year.
– Cayce Myers