Henrik Ornebring (Karlstad University) and co-author Michael Karlsson won the James A. Tankard Jr. Book Award for Journalistic Autonomy: The Genealogy of a Concept (University of Missouri Press). The book is a history of the notion of journalistic “independence” and its meaning. Two History Division members were finalists for the award: Kathryn McGarr (Wisconsin) for City of Newsmen: Public Lies and Professional Secrets in Cold War Washington (University of Chicago Press), and Jon Marshall (Northwestern) for Clash: Presidents and the Press in Times of Crisis (University of Nebraska Press).
The James A. Tankard award recognizes the most outstanding book in the field of journalism and communication. It also honors authors whose work embodies excellence in research, writing and creativity.

Erin K. Coyle and Carolyn Kitch (Temple University) were selected for 2023-2024 Center for Humanities at Temple University faculty fellowships. The fellowships provide provide teaching relief and research support for tenured and tenure-track faculty pursuing research in the humanities or humanistic social sciences.