A Word From the Chair: See you in Philadelphia!

Rachel Grant is the chair of the Media History Division

We are less than a month away from this year’s conference in Philly. So much work and dedication happened behind the scenes, and I want to thank all the executive members of the History Division leadership. I especially want to thank our vice-chairs Brian Creech (program chair) and Melissa Greene-Blye (research chair) for organizing our panels and research competition. Also, thank you to everyone who submitted and reviewed submissions. Our division has the most dedicated members who continue to help elevate the importance of historical research.

We have an exciting schedule this year and we have an included abbreviated schedule of all our division’s sessions in this issue of Clio. For a full schedule of AEJMC events, check out the program online.

I want to point out a few key dates and events in this year’s program. 

First, our Business Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 23 from 10:30 a.m. EST to 12 p.m. EST. To attend, you must register beforehand. Here’s the link.

Our History Gala will be on Wednesday, August 7 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in Meeting Room 414/415 in the Marriott. The History Gala is located under the pre-conference options and costs $10. Come congratulate our award winners. This year we will be celebrating 50 years of the Journalism History journal. We will be serving appetizers, cake, and drinks. Please register to attend. 

Our Top Papers Session is on Friday evening at 6:30 p.m. Please come and hear the best faculty and student papers in our division.

This year our division was selected for the Theory Colloquium! I want to give a special thanks to PF&R Chair Jason Lee Guthrie for leading a group of amazing scholars. This session is on Saturday at 8:30 a.m.

I hope that each of you has an amazing conference and enjoys the community, the research, the teaching ideas, and the local hospitality of Philadelphia. See you soon!