Dr. Erika Pribanic-Smith and Dr. Keith Greenwood are the recipients of the History Division’s 2023 Exceptional Service Award. This important award is given by the division’s chair and vice chair to members who have provided stellar service.

Pribanic-Smith is an associate professor at the University of Texas at Arlington. She is UTA’s journalism sequence coordinator and has served in many roles for the History Division, including as a chair. Her most recent role is as the web content coordinator for the division’s academic journal, Journalism History.
Greenwood is an associate professor at the University of Missouri’s School of Journalism. He was the division’s website administrator for many years before stepping down last year. He spearheaded the division’s move to a new website platform two years ago and continues his involvement with the division as the listserve administrator.
Both Pribanic-Smith and Greenwood have provided critical services to the History Division.
“I can’t say enough good things about Erika and Keith,” said Chair Maddie Liseblad. “In Erika’s case, while she has held highly visible roles in our division, I don’t think many realize all the little things she has done for us throughout the years. And without Keith’s help, we wouldn’t have a website. He has been steadily reliable for years, guiding our website and listserve work. I know I speak for all our members when I say that these two are simply all-around terrific people.”
“There’s a lot of behind-the-scenes work that goes into our division,” Vice Chair Rachel Grant said. “Both Keith and Erika’s contributions deserve to be acknowledged publicly. This award reflects their commitment to the History Division and its successes over the years.”
Pribanic-Smith and Greenwood will be honored during the History Division’s annual Awards Gala on Aug. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in Washington D.C.