The American Journalism
Historians Association invites paper entries, panel proposals, and abstracts of
research in progress on any facet of media history for its 38th annual
convention to be held October 3-5, in Dallas, Texas. More information on the 2019
AJHA convention is available at
The deadline for all
submissions is June 1, 2019.
The AJHA views journalism
history broadly, embracing print, broadcasting, advertising, public relations,
and other forms of mass communication that have been inextricably intertwined
with the human past. Because the AJHA requires presentation of original
material, research papers, research in progress, and panels submitted to the
convention may not have been submitted to or accepted by another convention or
publication. Research submitted for the conference must be significantly
different than previous work, meaning the submitted research would represent
new archival research, interviews, or content analysis that has not been
presented before at a conference and represents a new departure from prior
presented or published work. Research that previously was presented as a
research in progress presentation at an AJHA convention or the Joint Journalism
and Communication History Conference, however, may be submitted as a research
paper. Each author may submit at most one paper, one research in progress, and
one panel.
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