Category Archives: Calls

Posts related to calls for papers, conference panels, conferences and so on.

Award Call: 2020 Outstanding Thesis

The History Division is accepting nominations for the 2020 outstanding master’s thesis in journalism and mass communications history.

Any master’s thesis on a topic in mass communication history will be considered, regardless of research method. Submissions must be in English. The thesis must have been submitted, defended, and filed in final form to the author’s degree-granting university between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2020. Membership in the AEJMC History Division is not required to submit.

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Reminder about History Division Open Calls

AEJMC’s History Division has several open calls, including the newly announced Donald L. Shaw Senior Scholar Award. Below is a list with links to each current open call.


Jinx Coleman Broussard Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Media History – Deadline Feb. 1

Hazel Dicken-Garcia Outstanding Master’s Thesis in Journalism and Mass Communication History – Deadline Feb. 1

Best Journalism and Mass Communication History Book – Deadline Feb. 1

Covert Award – Deadline March 1

Donald L. Shaw Senior Scholar Award – Deadline March 15


Editor, Journalism History – Deadline Feb. 15

AEJMC Conference

San Francisco 2020 AEJMC Conference Paper Competition – Deadline April 1

AEJMC’s History Division announces the 36th annual competition for the Covert Award in Mass Communication History

The $200 award will be presented to the author of the best mass communication history article or essay published in 2019. Book chapters in edited collections also may be submitted.

The award recognizes the late Catherine L. Covert, professor of public communications at Syracuse University and former head of the History Division. 

An electronic copy in pdf form of the published article/essay/chapter should be submitted via email to Professor Sheila Webb,, by March 1, 2020. The publication may be self-submitted or submitted by others, such as an editor or colleague.

San Francisco 2020 AEJMC Paper Competition Call

The History Division invites submission of original research papers on all aspects of media history for the AEJMC 2020 conference in San Francisco. All research methodologies are welcome.

Papers will be evaluated on originality and importance of topic; literature review; clarity of research purpose; focus; use of evidence to support the paper’s purpose and conclusions; and the degree to which the paper contributes to the field of journalism and mass communication history.

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Nominations Are Now Open for the Donald L. Shaw Senior Scholar Award

This new History Division honor will recognize an individual for excellence in journalism history research who has a minimum 15-year academic career and a record of division membership.

To apply, the nomination packet should include a cover letter that explains the nominee’s research contributions to journalism history, a CV, a brief biography, and a minimum of two letters of support. Self-nominations, with the accompanying supporting materials, are welcome. Letters may be addressed to Committee Chair Pam Parry.

Email nominations to by 11:59 p.m. Central Time March 15.

The winner will be notified by mid-May and recognized during the History Division Awards Gala at the 2020 AEJMC conference in August with a plaque and $200 cash award. 

AEJMC History Division Announces Shaw Senior Scholar Award

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is pleased to announce the creation of the Donald L. Shaw Senior Scholar Award, named in honor of the pioneering journalism theoretician, distinguished journalism historian, and former head of the History Division, who taught for almost half of a century at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Hussman School of Journalism and Media.

Dr. Donald L. Shaw

The History Division officers unanimously voted to name the award after Shaw with the support of the full leadership team.

“I am deeply honored by the recognition of my historical work, and for recognition of historical work in general,” Shaw said. “We cannot understand ourselves without knowledge of our roots, individually or collectively. I am delighted with any acknowledgement of the many fine scholars we have in our historical discipline. Thank you for this honor.”

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Award Call – Best Journalism and Mass Communication History Book

The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication History Division is soliciting entries for its annual award for the best journalism and mass communication history book. The winning author will receive a plaque and a $500 prize at the August 2020 AEJMC conference in San Francisco, California. Attendance at the conference is encouraged as the author will be invited to be a guest for a live taping of the Journalism History podcast during the History Division awards event. The competition is open to any author of a media history book regardless of whether they belong to AEJMC or the History Division. Only first editions with a 2019 copyright date will be accepted. Edited volumes, articles, and monograph-length works published in academic journals will be excluded because they qualify for the History Division’s Covert Award. Entries must be received by February 1, 2020. Submit four hard copies of each book or an electronic copy (must be an e-Book or pdf manuscript in page-proof format) along with the author’s mailing address, telephone number, and email address to:

Lisa Burns, AEJMC History Book Award Chair
Quinnipiac University
275 Mount Carmel Ave., CE-MCM
Hamden, CT, 06518

If you have any questions, please contact Book Award Chair Lisa Burns at

Award Call: Hazel Dicken-Garcia Outstanding Master’s Thesis in Journalism and Mass Communication History

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication will present its award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis in Journalism and Mass Communication History in 2020, recognizing the outstanding mass communication history thesis completed during the 2019 calendar year.

The award will be presented during the member awards gala at the 2020 AEJMC Conference, scheduled for Aug. 5-9 in San Francisco, Calif.

Any master’s thesis on a topic in mass communication history will be considered, regardless of research method. Submissions must be in English. The thesis must have been submitted, defended, and filed in final form to the author’s degree-granting university between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019. Membership in the AEJMC History Division is not required to submit.
Candidates for the award should submit the following materials:

  • A cover letter with the thesis author’s contact information. 
  • A letter of nomination from the thesis chair/director or the chair of the university department in which the thesis was written. The letter should concisely describe the scope and significance of the thesis, including its contribution to the knowledge base of the discipline.
  • A blind copy of the full thesis (including abstract) in PDF form. IMPORTANT: Please make sure that all identifying information—including author, school, and thesis advisor/committee names—have been removed from all parts of the document. Be sure to check not only the title page but also the abstract, dedication/acknowledgements, bio page, and other pages that such identifying information often appears in academic theses.
  • A blind copy of a sample chapter, submitter’s choice, from the thesis, identifying information removed, for first-round competition. This should also be in PDF form.

Nominations, along with all the supporting materials, should be sent to no later than 11:59 p.m. Pacific on Feb. 1, 2020.

Questions should be directed to Dr. Amy Mattson Lauters, chair of the AEJMC History Thesis Award Committee, at

Call for AEJMC 2020 History Division Panel Proposals

By Will Mari, Louisiana State University, Vice Chair/Program Chair,

It’s already time to start submitting AEJMC 2020 conference panel proposals. If you have an idea for a panel, please send Will Mari an email at with:

1.     The title of the proposal

2.     Whether the panel is teaching, research or PF&R

3.     A brief summary of what the panel is about

4.     The potential co-sponsor (another AEJMC division/interest group/commission)

5.     Whom you propose to be on the panel, including a short bio of each panelist and a short description of what each panelist would discuss.

The deadline for panel proposals is noon Central Time on Friday, Sept. 20. The final selection of panels and panelists will be determined after negotiations with the other AEJ divisions/interest groups/commissions.