Category Archives: Calls

Posts related to calls for papers, conference panels, conferences and so on.


The American Journalism Historians Association seeks applications for its annual Joseph McKerns Research Grant Awards.

The research grant is intended to provide research assistance and to recognize and reward the winners. Up to four grants for up to $1,250 each will be rewarded upon review and recommendation of the Research Grant Committee. McKerns Research Grant Awards may be used for travel or other research related expenses, but not for salary.
Awardees must submit a brief article to the Intelligencer newsletter about their completed research by Sept. 1, 2020 discussing method, findings, complications, significance.


All current AJHA full members with a minimum of three years’ membership at the time of application are eligible.
The research must be related to mass media history.
Awardees are expected to continue their membership through the grant period. Members may apply for a McKerns Research Grant once every five years.

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The American Journalism Historians Association invites paper entries, panel proposals, and abstracts of research in progress on any facet of media history for its 38th annual convention to be held October 3-5, in Dallas, Texas. More information on the 2019 AJHA convention is available at

The deadline for all submissions is June 1, 2019.

The AJHA views journalism history broadly, embracing print, broadcasting, advertising, public relations, and other forms of mass communication that have been inextricably intertwined with the human past. Because the AJHA requires presentation of original material, research papers, research in progress, and panels submitted to the convention may not have been submitted to or accepted by another convention or publication. Research submitted for the conference must be significantly different than previous work, meaning the submitted research would represent new archival research, interviews, or content analysis that has not been presented before at a conference and represents a new departure from prior presented or published work. Research that previously was presented as a research in progress presentation at an AJHA convention or the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, however, may be submitted as a research paper. Each author may submit at most one paper, one research in progress, and one panel.

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AEJMC’s History Division announces the 35th annual competition for the Covert Award in Mass Communication History.

The $500 award will be presented to the author of the best mass communication history article or essay published in 2018. Book chapters in edited collections also may be submitted.

The award was endowed by the late Catherine L. Covert, professor of public communications at Syracuse University and former head of the History Division. 

An electronic copy in pdf form of the published article/essay/chapter should be submitted via email to Professor Sheila Webb,, by March 1, 2019. The publication may be self-submitted or submitted by others, such as an editor or colleague.

Conference Call: Fourth Transnational Journalism History Conference

The Center for Media and Journalism Studies at the University of Groningen will host the fourth annual conference on Transnational Journalism History.

The conference, which will be June 20 and 21, 2019, is seeking papers that study historical transformations in journalism from a transnational perspective.

Papers are welcome that discuss theoretical or methodological issues as well as empirical case studies from all parts of the world. Specifically, the conference organizers are seeking work that considers:

– the transfer of norms, practices and textual conventions from one country/region to another and their consecutive adaptation in national contexts

– transnational networks of actors

– biographical studies of transnational agents such as journalists or publishers

– the transnational coverage of particular news stories

– transnational audiences

– the impact of (emerging) technologies on transnational journalism

– different media such as television, radio, newspapers or magazines, and the intersection between them

Abstracts (maximum of 500 words for research-in-progress), full papers (for completed projects) and panel proposals (max. 4 papers; 400 words panel description & 150 word abstract of each paper) should be submitted via by March 1, 2019 (please note the deadline has been extended from the original call for papers because the conference dates are later than usual). Submissions will be blind reviewed.

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Award Call: Hazel Dicken-Garcia Award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis

Hazel Dicken-Garcia Award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis in
Journalism and Mass Communication History

Deadline: February 1, 2019 (11:59 p.m. Pacific)

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication will present its first award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis in Journalism and Mass Communication History in 2019, recognizing the outstanding journalism and/or mass communication history thesis completed during the 2018 calendar year. This award is named for the late Hazel Dicken-Garcia, a long-time division member whose estate funds the prize.

The award will be presented during the member business meeting at the 2019 AEJMC Conference, scheduled for Aug. 7-9 in Toronto, Ontario. In addition to receiving plaques honoring the outstanding thesis, the student author and his/her thesis advisor each will receive $100.

Any master’s thesis addressing journalism and/or mass communication history will be considered, regardless of research method or theoretical perspective. Submissions must be in English.

The thesis must have been submitted, defended, and filed in final form to the author’s degree-granting university between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018.

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Call for Entries: Best Journalism and Mass Communications History Book

The AEJMC History Division is soliciting entries for its annual award for the best journalism and mass communication history book. The winning author will receive a plaque and a $500 prize at the August 2019 AEJMC conference in Toronto, Canada. The author will also give a brief talk at the History Division’s business meeting about what they learned from researching and writing the book. The competition is open to any author of a media history book regardless of whether they belong to AEJMC or the History Division. Only first editions with a 2018 copyright date will be accepted. Edited volumes, articles, and monographs will be excluded because they qualify for the History Division’s Covert Award. Entries must be received by Friday, February 15, 2019. Submit four copies of each book along with the author’s mailing address, telephone number, and email address to:

Lisa Burns, AEJMC History Book Award Chair

Quinnipiac University

275 Mount Carmel Ave., CE-MCM

Hamden, CT, 06518.

If you have questions, please contact Lisa Burns at

Call for Entries: Transformative Teaching of Media and Journalism History Competition

Deadline: 11:59 p.m. PST February 1, 2019

Do you have an innovative idea or best practice for transformative teaching? We are seeking entries for the Transformative Teaching of Media and Journalism History, a teaching-idea competition sponsored by the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. The competition, founded in 2019, will acknowledge and share best practices publicly that we as journalism educators and media historians use in classrooms.

Winning entries receive a $75 prize.

The contest serves three division goals:

  1. Helps our division grow and diversify by inviting people from other divisions
  2. Encourages pedagogies of diversity, collaboration, community, and justice
  3. Supports an equal balance of History Division attention to teaching standards, research, and professional freedom and responsibility

Winners will frame and share their practices with an audience via a 12- to 15-minute mini, hands-on teaching module at the 2019 AEJMC convention. At least one prize will go to a student scholar or a team entry with a student member.

Teaching ideas should be original, tested, and transformative pedagogies that have been used by the author in teaching media and journalism history and could be used by other instructors or institutions. Teaching ideas should help professors address one or more of these pedagogies: diversity, collaboration, community, or justice. The competition welcomes a variety of teaching ideas, including those taught across a quarter/semester or taught as a module within an individual course.

The applications should be submitted as one document saved in a PDF format to using the subject line “Transformative Teaching of Media and Journalism History” and should include:

  • Required: a three-page CV
  • Required: a single-spaced, two-page discussion of the teaching idea that includes a 250-word overview followed by discussions of these seven criteria used for judging:
    • originality (makes clear how the work has not been published or presented at a conference or an online forum previously; is not in any other 2019 AEJMC competition; and does not represent another person’s teaching without acknowledgement of that work and discussion of significant modification by the author),
    • tested (describes how employed previously in the author’s classroom),
    • transferability (makes a case for how other schools/classes/programs could use),
    • degree of transformative nature (speaks to evidence of how the teaching leads to a marked change on the part of students, such as via assessment or student feedback),
    • degree of focus on diversity, collaboration, community, and/or justice (addresses one or more of these pedagogies, as defined by the author),
    • degree of clarity (presented clearly, completely, and concisely),
    • willingness to present (expresses willingness to present at the 2019 AEJMC conference)
  • Optional: a set of supplementary teaching materials relevant to the teaching idea, such as syllabus, assignment, handouts, links, or slide, saved as PDF and no more than five pages 

Winners will be announced March 15, 2019. In addition to presenting at the 2019 AEJMC Conference, winners may publish their ideas on the History Division’s website. They will also be featured in the History Division’s Clio newsletter. If you have questions about the competition, please contact Kristin Gustafson, the division’s teaching standards chair, at

2017 Book Award Call for Entries

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is soliciting entries for its annual award for the best journalism and mass communication history book of 2017.

The winning author will receive a plaque and a $500 prize at the August 2018 AEJMC conference at the renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC, where the author will give a short talk about the experience of research and discovery during the book’s composition.

The competition is open to any author of a media history book regardless of whether he or she belongs to AEJMC or the History Division. Only first editions with a 2017 copyright date will be accepted. Edited volumes, articles, and monographs will be excluded because they qualify for the Covert Award, another AEJMC History Division competition

Entries must be received by February 2, 2018. To enter, submit four copies of each book — along with the author’s mailing address, telephone number, and email address — to:

John P. Ferré
AEJMC History Book Award Chair
Department of Communication
310 Strickler Hall
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292

Please contact John Ferré at 502.852.8167 or with any questions.

Call for entries: 2016 Book Award

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is soliciting entries for its annual award for the best journalism and mass communication history book of 2016.

The winning author will receive a plaque and a cash prize at the August 2017 AEJMC conference at the Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile Hotel in Chicago, where the author will give a short talk about the experience of research and discovery during the book’s composition.

The competition is open to any author of a media history book regardless of whether he or she belongs to AEJMC or the History Division. Only first editions with a 2016 copyright date will be accepted. Edited volumes, articles, and monographs will be excluded because they qualify for the Covert Award, another AEJMC History Division competition

Entries must be received by February 3, 2017. To enter, submit four copies of each book — along with the author’s mailing address, telephone number, and email address — to:

John P. Ferré
AEJMC History Book Award Chair
Department of Communication
310 Strickler Hall
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292

Please contact John Ferré at 502.852.8167 or with any questions.