Category Archives: Officers

New (and Re-newed) Initiatives Aim to Engage Young History Scholars

By Erika Pribanic-Smith, History Division Chair
University of Texas at Arlington

Welcome to a new academic year! As I embark on my term as chair of the History Division, I am thinking a lot about what we do in the classroom and as mentors to our graduate students. Cultivating those young scholars as well as early-career faculty ranks high on my list of goals for the coming year.

As an organization, we cannot survive without a thriving cohort of history scholars at every career stage. My mission is to make sure young scholars understand that the division values their scholarship and their perspectives, and that we are interested in their success in all realms of academic life—teaching, research, and service.

Developing a base of young history scholars begins in our classrooms. As faculty, we must light the spark that creates interest in history among our students. It is no secret that journalism and mass communication history faces a tremendous challenge in the curriculum as departments value new technology and techniques more and our past less.

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The History Division is looking for volunteers to serve in the following leadership positions:

Secretary (leadership track): Election to this position involves a three year commitment to the Division. The person elected as secretary at the 2013 business meeting will serve as the editor of the Division’s quarterly newsletter Clio during the 2013-14 academic year. The following year (2014-15), this person will become the Vice Head and Research Chair and be responsible for running the Division’s research paper competition.  Then, in the final year (2015-16), this person will be Head of the Division and the Program Chair, planning the programs for the annual conference.

Co-Coordinator, Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference (AEJMC representative): This is a two year commitment beginning in August 2014. It involves serving as the program planner for the 2015 JJCHC meeting, which is the annual joint meeting of AJHA and the AEJMC History Division held each March in New York City. During the second year, this person would serve as the site coordinator for the meeting, responsible for the day-of logistics at the conference site.

If you are interested in one of these positions, or would like to nominate someone, please e-mail Lisa Burns ( by July 22nd and include a brief biography and statement explaining your interest in the position (word limit: 500) that can be distributed to Division members prior to the business meeting in August.