Member Q&A: Claire Rounkles

Where are you currently getting your Ph.D. and/or what is your current position?

I am finishing up my dissertation at the University of Missouri, which I will defend in the Fall. In addition to finishing up my dissertation, I will start as an assistant professor at in the Department of Journalism and Strategic Media at the University of Memphis this Fall. 

What brought you to grad school?

As a young undergrad student, I grew a love of research through the McNair Scholars program. Engaging with my mentors in the program showed me what I wanted to do with my career. Entering grad school, my goals were reaffirmed by learning from the faculty at Ohio University. From there, I decided to return to my undergraduate alma mater to finish my PhD and once again learn from the faculty that first encouraged me in my journey. 

What’s your current research project?

My research project is my dissertation, which focuses on Black Midwestern lynching coverage from 1880 – 1940. As part of this research, I have developed one of the most comprehensive search aids for Midwestern Black newspapers. When I complete my dissertation, I hope to make the search aid publicly accessible for other scholars to use. 

What’s a fun fact about yourself?

I collect antique cameras.