Mentorship Q&A: Kim Voss and Josie Vine

Kim Voss (Professor, University of Central Florida) and Josie Vine (Senior Lecturer, RMIT University, Australia) are current participants in the History Division’s mentorship program, which pairs junior scholars with a senior scholar mentor who can offer advice and support on all aspects of academic life, from teaching to research to work/life balance. Voss and Vine discuss the benefits of the program in this Q+A.

Head shot of Kim Voss
Kim Voss

Why did you decide to apply to participate in the mentorship program?

Voss: I decided to participate because I have had such good mentors. I now appreciate helping others. This is my third year in the program and I have enjoyed each experience. It’s been a great reminder of the joys and challenges from previous years. I look forward to the emails and phone calls.

Vine: I am actually a very shy person, and find it difficult to reach out for help or advice. So when AEJMC offered to do that for me, I said yes. It was also very exciting to have a mentor from the US (because I’m from Australia) to give me a different perspective on academia and career-building.

Kim, what has been a particularly rewarding aspect of serving as a mentor?

I have enjoyed getting to know new scholars and their work. It is eye-opening to learn what they are researching and often in new ways. I have also appreciated learning about the various ways that different universities evaluate research and how they handle the promotion process.

Josie, how has being paired with a senior scholar mentor been beneficial to you at this stage of your career?

Head shot of Josie Vine
Josie Vine

Kim has been particularly beneficial to me. I am mid-career and as a lot of mid-career women find themselves, I was in a bit of a slump and feeling quite overwhelmed – too many things I should be doing to move forward.

Kim helped me refine my thoughts and make reasonable goals for myself, both in the short and long term. She also understands the female experience in academia, so her advice is not only practical, but also sympathetic.

What tips would you give mentors and mentees for making the most of their partnership?

Voss: From a mentor perspective, ask questions and look for information about what the mentee hopes to accomplish. It is important to be open minded about the path your mentee is taking rather than generalize on your own experiences.

Vine: For mentees, it’s helpful to know exactly what type of advice you need. For me, my next step is promotion, so Kim was able to outline what needs to be in the promotion application. But she could just as easily have helped with research trajectory or teaching strategy or management – I just had to ask!

Is there anything else about the mentorship program that you would like to share?

Voss: I think helping junior faculty make progress in their careers to be one of the most rewarding parts of being a professor – especially when they are journalism historians. It makes me feel good about the future of the field.

Vine: It’s so nice having someone impartial who understands, and sympathises with, your experience. Someone outside your institution who you can explain the problems to. It’s very cathartic!

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