AEJMC New Orleans 2021 Paper and Extended Abstract Competition Call for History Division

The History Division invites submissions of original research papers and extended abstracts on all aspects of media history for the AEJMC 2021 conference in New Orleans, LA. All research methodologies are welcome.


Papers will be evaluated on originality and importance of topic; literature review; clarity of research purpose; focus; use of evidence to support the paper’s purpose and conclusions; and the degree to which the paper contributes to the field of journalism and mass communication history. The Division presents awards for the top three faculty papers and top three student papers.

Papers should be no more than 25 double-spaced pages, not including notes, references, or appendices. Papers should have 1-inch margins and use 12-point Times New Roman font. Authors should also submit a 75-word abstract. Multiple submissions to the Division are not allowed, and only one paper per author will be accepted for presentation in the History Division’s research sessions. Authors of accepted papers are required to forward papers to discussants and moderators prior to the conference.

Papers must be electronically submitted using the services of All-Academic; you will find the link at The deadline is 11:59 P.M. (Central Daylight Time), April 1, 2021. Please make sure there is no identifying information in the body of the paper or in the electronic file properties.  Papers uploaded with author’s identifying information will not be considered for review and will automatically be disqualified from the competition. Please refer to the AEJMC general paper call for this year’s online submission guidelines, especially for how to submit a clean paper for blind review.

Student Papers: Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled during the 2020-21 academic year may enter the Warren Price Student Paper Competition. The Price Award recognizes the History Division’s best student paper and is named for Warren Price who was the Division’s first chair. Student papers should include a separate cover sheet that indicates their student status but omits the author’s name or other identifying information. Students who submit top papers are eligible for small travel grants from the Edwin Emery Fund. Only full-time students not receiving departmental travel funds are eligible for these grants.

Diversity in Journalism History Research Award: In addition to rewarding the top faculty and student papers, the outstanding submission on diversity in journalism history research will receive a $100 prize.


  1. Completely fill out the online submission form with author(s) name, affiliation, mailing address, and email address.
  2. Papers are accepted for peer review on the understanding that they are not already under review for other conferences and that they have been submitted to only ONE AEJMC group for evaluation. Papers accepted for the AEJMC Conference should not have been presented to other conferences or published in scholarly or trade journals prior to presentation at the conference.
  3. Papers submitted with both faculty and student authors will be considered faculty papers and are not eligible for student competitions.
  4. At least one author of an accepted faculty paper must attend the conference to present the paper. If student authors cannot be present, they must make arrangements for the paper to be presented.
  5. If a paper is accepted, and the faculty author does not present the paper at the conference, and if a student author does not make arrangements for his/her paper to be presented by another, then that paper’s acceptance status is revoked. It may not be included on a vita.
  6. Authors will be advised whether their paper has been accepted by May 20 and may access a copy of reviewers’ comments from the online server. Contact the division’s research chair if you are not notified or have questions about paper acceptance.


AEJMC will accept extended abstracts for the 2021 conference. The extended abstract format is suitable for authors who are sufficiently along in the research process to address the content elements described below, but have not had sufficient time to prepare a full paper. Extended abstracts must be uploaded as a single file to the AEJMC All-Academic site by the existing conference submission deadline of 11:59 p.m. CDT April 1, 2021. Authors whose extended abstracts are selected for presentation at the conference must still submit their full paper, with all identifying author information, to the All-Academic site by 11:59 p.m. CDT, July 15, 2021. Extended abstracts may be submitted to only one division or interest group.

To preserve the value of fully developed research papers, extended abstracts will not be eligible for history division or AEJMC conference-wide awards.


  1. The length of extended abstracts must be at least 750 words but no more than 1,500 words. A 75-word (max.) summary of the abstract should precede the abstract itself. References and summary are excluded from the word count.
  2. Extended abstracts should contain all of the same content sections/elements that would normally be used in a paper submissions. The main difference, however, is the length of the submission format.
  3. For authors considering the extended abstract option, data collection and analysis must be at least 75% complete in order to meaningfully report tentative findings and conclusions. Authors should clearly report how far along the data collection and analysis phases are, respectively, and explain what steps remain and the anticipated value/contribution of these steps, so that reviewers can assess the foundations on which conclusion are based. Extended abstracts will be reviewed and scored using evaluation criteria specific to the abstracts and not the same as those used for full papers.
  4. When submitting in this format, authors must select the “Extended Abstract” option in All-Academic AND include the words “Extended Abstract” at the start of their paper title (e.g.,”Extended Abstract: [Your paper title]”). Authors should clearly indicate the same on the title page of their submission. Submissions that are not appropriately labeled may be rejected.
  5. When creating the file for upload, please insert the 75-word summary of the abstract at the beginning of the extended abstract, so that this is what readers and reviewers see first.
  6. Please ensure all identifying author information has been removed for extended abstract submissions and that title pages do not contain author information. Please reference the AEJMC Uniform Paper Call for information about how to ensure this information is removed in order to ensure a blind review.
  7. Other than the extended abstract format (including length differences) and ineligibility for award competitions, all other AEJMC Uniform Paper Guidelines apply. Please review these at

Important Paper and Abstract Submissions Information

Upload papers and extended abstracts for the AEJMC 2021 conference beginning January 15, 2021. Submitters should follow instructions on the front page of the submission site to create your account and complete the information required.

Before submitting your paper/abstract, please make certain that all author-identifying information has been removed and that all instructions have been followed per the AEJMC uniform call. Take every precaution to ensure that your self-citations do not in any way reveal your identity.

History Division Research Paper and Extended Abstract Contact

For more information, contact History Division Research Chair Maddie Liseblad at

2 thoughts on “AEJMC New Orleans 2021 Paper and Extended Abstract Competition Call for History Division

  1. Pingback: Check in from the chair | The History Division

  2. Pingback: Check in from the chair, March 2021 | The History Division

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