Author Archives: mliseblad

Award Call: Covert Award in Mass Communication History for Articles, Essays, or Book Chapters Published in 2022

AEJMC’S History Division announces the annual competition for the Covert Award in Mass Communication History for entries published in 2022.

The Covert Award recognizes the author of the best mass communication history article or essay published in the previous year. Book chapters in edited collections published in the previous year are also eligible. The AEJMC History Division has presented the award annually since 1985.

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DEADLINE EXTENDED – Award Call: Jinx C. Broussard Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Media History

This award is presented to the winners of the AEJMC History Division’s teaching competition. Members may submit an innovative teaching technique to the contest, which is judged by a committee each spring. 

Teaching ideas should be original, tested, and creative techniques used by the author in teaching media history and could be used by other instructors or institutions. The competition welcomes a variety of teaching ideas, including those taught across a quarter/semester or taught as a module within an individual course. Of particular interest are teaching ideas that help instructors address one or more of these pedagogies: diversity, collaboration, community, or justice. The 2023 deadline for submissions has been extended to February 15.

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Award Call: Hazel Dicken-Garcia Outstanding Master’s Thesis in Journalism and Mass Communication History

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication will present its award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis in journalism and mass communication history in 2023, recognizing the outstanding mass communication history thesis completed during the 2022 calendar year.

The award will be presented during the member awards gala at the 2023 AEJMC conference in Washington, D.C.

Any master’s thesis on a topic in mass communication history will be considered, regardless of research method. Submissions must be in English. The thesis must have been submitted, defended, and filed in final form to the author’s degree-granting university between January 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022. Membership in the AEJMC History Division is not required to submit.

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Award Call: Jinx C. Broussard Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Media History

This award is presented to the winners of the AEJMC History Division’s teaching competition. Members may submit an innovative teaching technique to the contest, which is judged by a committee each spring. 

Teaching ideas should be original, tested, and creative techniques used by the author in teaching media history and could be used by other instructors or institutions. The competition welcomes a variety of teaching ideas, including those taught across a quarter/semester or taught as a module within an individual course. Of particular interest are teaching ideas that help instructors address one or more of these pedagogies: diversity, collaboration, community, or justice. The 2023 deadline for submissions is January 15.

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Award Call: Best Journalism and Mass Communication History Book

The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication’s History Division is soliciting entries for its annual award for the best journalism and mass communication history book. The winning author will receive a plaque and a $500 prize at the August 2023 AEJMC conference in Washington, D.C. Attendance at the conference is encouraged as the author will be invited to be a guest for a live taping of the Journalism History podcast during the History Division awards event. 

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Lisa Burns Is New Mentorship Coordinator, Sign-Up Deadline Approaching 

Dr. Lisa Burns (Quinnipiac) is in charge of the 2022-23 History Division mentorship program.

Dr. Lisa Burns (Quinnipiac) is taking over the History Division’s mentorship program. This marks the fourth year of this highly successful program that was started by Dr. Erika Pribanic-Smith.

If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time. The division is looking for both mentors and mentees. Prior participants have found their relationship highly beneficial, and many have chosen to continue informally after their year has ended. The sign-up deadline is Sept. 18 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time. Apply now at

Pairings will be notified via email by early October. The partnerships officially last through August 2023. For questions about the program, please email Lisa Burns at

A Word From the Chair: People, Goals, and Other Important News

Dr. Maddie Liseblad, History Division Chair

While I write this, I am still reflecting on how great the Detroit conference was. Most of all, I enjoyed seeing people in person again. There’s a certain positive energy that happens when we get together. Our gala event was terrific and so were the research paper and panel sessions. That feeling of “too many great sessions and not enough time to be at them all” was back. There were COVID concerns, but we were masked and together again. That was the best part – being together.

As I begin my year as chair of the History Division, I have been thinking about my personal experiences with this division. And the one thing I keep coming back to is its people. The past chairs have been terrific, and I have big shoes to fill. The executive team puts in countless hours behind the scenes, working for everyone’s benefit. The general membership steps up to help when needed. That is especially evident when we do the call for reviewers each year. 

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Finneman Honored for Exceptional Service

Teri Finneman, an associate professor at the University of Kansas, William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communication, is the winner of History Division’s Exceptional Service Award.

This important award is given by the division’s chair and vice chair for exceptional service to the History Division. Finneman was the Chair of the History Division in 2020, and is currently is the Publications Chair.

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