Call for panel proposals for 2015 convention

The History Division is seeking panel proposals for the 2015 AEJMC national convention in San Francisco. The division aims to offer a diverse, engaging and creative program that represents the depth and breadth of its members’ research, teaching and professional interests. Members are especially encouraged to submit proposals that take advantage of the conference’s location in San Francisco and of the conference’s central theme of “Global Bridges.”

Proposals should include the name and type of the panel (Research, Teaching, or Professional Freedom and Responsibility) along with a 250-word summary of the topic. The summary should incorporate the goal, content and significance of the topic and its interest to AEJMC members. Proposals should also include speaker names and brief backgrounds.

As you develop proposals, consider potential divisions or interest groups as co-sponsors. Your proposal should list the group proposing the panel (History Division) as well as any suggested co-sponsors. Also include the contact person for the proposal along with that person’s email address. Further details can be found in the Call for Panel Proposals PDF.

Deadline for proposals is September 30, 2014.

Send all proposals and inquiries to History Division Chair Yong Volz at