Call for Papers: Transnational Journalism History

The inaugural conference on Transnational Journalism History is seeking papers.

The Transnational Journalism History conference acknowledges the fluid transmission of journalistic practices and technologies across geography and political borders, treating news consumers outside national boundaries as a home audience. A good example of this would be America’s first newspaper, Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestic. This paper consisted primarily of English news for an audience who thought of themselves as English men and women but who were living on another continent.

The conference will be held February 25-27, 2016, at Georgia Regents University in Augusta, Ga.

Paper submissions are welcome on any aspect of the subject, but papers that examine the flow of journalistic developments, people and phenomena between Ireland and the United States are of particular interest. The conference is accepting proposals for research sessions (submit a completed paper); work-in-progress sessions (250-word abstract); and panels. Completed papers and panel proposals should be submitted electronically to Debbie van Tuyll ( by Oct. 1, 2015. Abstracts of research in progress may also be submitted. Each submission will be evaluated in a blind review process.

See the paper call for more details of the conference and focus.