Category Archives: Calls

Posts related to calls for papers, conference panels, conferences and so on.

Call for Submissions: The Journal of Public Relations

The Journal of Public Relations Research invites submissions for a special issue on Faith, Spirituality, and Public Relations. More than half the world’s population professes an adherence to a faith; however, much of the scholarly research on public relations focuses on the corporate context.

This belies the important roles that religious figures, movements, and organizations have played in the development of public relations practices and the influence they continue to exert on the discipline. From the ancient origins of public relations through
the present day, the contribution of faith to the discipline deserves further study.
Thus, this issue aims to highlight the importance of faith and spirituality and their contributions and connections to the public relations field. Authors are encouraged to broadly interpret faith and spirituality to encompass organized religions, spiritual figures/leaders/texts, and faith communities and movements. Approaches from
varied disciplines and methodologies are welcomed, and manuscripts that create or expand theory in public relations will be prioritized. All submissions should detail the significance of the manuscript to the discipline.

Manuscript and Technical Requirements
• Content shall further the Journal’s primary purpose, which is to create, test, refine, critique, or expand theory in public relations. Authors should explicitly articulate how their scholarship serves the purpose of the journal.
• Content shall reflect the highest standards of scholarship, regardless of the research methods used.
• Manuscripts shall be submitted in APA style and edited to the highest standards of English-language grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, word usage, etc.
• Manuscripts shall conform to the Journal’s standard limit of 20 pages of text (not including references, figures, tables). Manuscripts that exceed the standard page limit may be considered if the authors (a) justify the manuscript length in their cover letter; (b) report qualitative and/or historical data; and (c) keep to a reasonable length appropriate for the nature of the research method and the subject studied.
• Authors shall take care to indicate in the online manuscript submission system that their submission is, in fact, intended for the special issue on Faith, Spirituality, and Public Relations. Failure to make this indication (in the cover letter AND in the appropriate selection box) will lead to the manuscript being entered into the Journal’s regular review process, rather than the special issue process.
Important Dates
• June 1, 2021: Initial manuscript submissions due from authors
• August 1, 2021: Decisions announced to authors
• October 1, 2021: Final manuscripts due from authors for publication
• December 2021: Publication of special issue
Questions? Contact Guest Editor Cylor Spaulding at cspaulding@fullerton.ed

Nominations: Harry W. Stonecipher Award for Distinguished Research on Media Law and Policy

The Law and Policy Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) seeks nominations for the 2020 Harry W. Stonecipher Award for Distinguished Research on Media Law and Policy.

The award honors the legacy of Harry W. Stonecipher, who died in 2004. Stonecipher was an acclaimed and influential First Amendment educator. He nurtured a number of distinguished media law scholars during his 15-year career at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, beginning in 1969.

The Stonecipher Award for Distinguished Research on Media Law and Policy is open to all journalism, First Amendment and communication scholars within and outside AEJMC. The award will be bestowed on research that most broadly covers freedom of expression as a whole, not just journalism. 

The award is not limited to research that centers on media-specific issues. It can include First Amendment speech and press issues more broadly. The successful nomination also might be global in scope, rather than U.S.-centric, given that media law and policy as a research topic is inextricably intertwined with the rest of the world in the 21st century.

Preference will be given to research with a strong theoretical component that demonstrates the potential to have a lasting influence on freedom of expression scholarship. All methodologies — empirical, qualitative, historical, etc.  — are welcome. Nominations may be for monographs, peer-reviewed journal articles, law review articles or book chapters (but not entire books). Self-nominations are encouraged, one per author.

In order to be considered for the award, the research must have been published between Jan. 1, 2020, and Dec. 31, 2020

Nominations should be sent to Dr. Dean Smith at High Point University via e-mail — — by Feb. 7, 2021. Please include STONECIPHER in the subject line. The winner will be announced ahead of the AEJMC’s national convention in August, and the award will be presented then.

CALL FOR JUDGES: Would you like to read the best media law and policy articles of 2020? The Stonecipher judging committee would like to add two or three readers this year. If you would like to lend your expertise, please e-mail Dean Smith at

Nominations open for the Covert Award

AEJMC’S History Division announces the 37th annual competition for the Covert Award in Mass Communication History for entries published in 2020. 

The Covert Award recognizes the author of the best mass communication history article or essay published in the previous year. Book chapters in edited collections published in the previous year are also eligible. The AEJMC History Division has presented the award annually since 1985

The $200 award memorializes the esteemed Dr. Catherine L. Covert, professor of journalism at Syracuse University (d.1983). Cathy Covert was the first woman professor in Syracuse’s Newhouse School of Journalism and the first woman to head the History Division, in 1975. Prof. Covert received the AEJMC Outstanding Contribution to Journalism Education Award in 1983.

Submit an electronic copy in pdf form of the published article/essay/chapter via email to Professor Thomas A. Mascaro,, by March 31, 2021. The publication may be self-submitted or submitted by others, such as an editor or colleague.

The following links connect to articles providing more background on Dr. Covert.

Nominations Are Now Open for the Donald L. Shaw Senior Scholar Award

This History Division honor will recognize an individual for excellence in journalism history research who has a minimum 15-year academic career and a record of division membership.

To apply, the nomination packet should include a cover letter that explains the nominee’s research contributions to journalism history, a CV, a brief biography, and a minimum of two letters of support. Self-nominations, with the accompanying supporting materials, are welcome. Letters may be addressed to Committee Chair Pam Parry.

Email nominations to by 11:59 p.m. Central Time March 15.

The winner will be notified by mid-May and recognized during the History Division Awards Gala at the 2021 AEJMC conference in August with a plaque and $200 cash award. 

Award Call – Best Journalism & Mass Communication History Book

The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication History Division is soliciting entries for its annual award for the best journalism and mass communication history book. The winning author will receive a plaque and a $500 prize at the August 2021 AEJMC conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Attendance at the conference is encouraged as the author will be invited to be a guest for a live taping of the Journalism History podcast during the History Division awards event. The competition is open to any author of a media history book regardless of whether they belong to AEJMC or the History Division. Only first editions with a 2020 copyright date will be accepted. Entries must be received by February 15, 2021. Submit four hard copies of each book or an electronic copy (must be an e-Book or pdf manuscript in page-proof format) along with the author’s mailing address, telephone number, and email address to:

Lisa Burns, AEJMC History Book Award Chair

Quinnipiac University

275 Mount Carmel Ave., CE-MCM

Hamden, CT, 06518

If you have any questions, please contact Book Award chair Lisa Burns at

Hazel Dicken-Garcia Master’s Thesis Award Competition

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication will present its award for Outstanding Master’s Thesis in Journalism and Mass Communication History in 2021, recognizing the outstanding mass communication history thesis completed during the 2020 calendar year.

The award will be presented during the member awards gala at the 2020 AEJMC Conference, scheduled for Aug. 4-7 in New Orleans, La.

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2021 Media & Civil Rights History Symposium

Kenneth Campbell

Abstracts are being accepted for the biennial Media & Civil Rights History Symposium, which will be held virtually Friday, March 26, 2021.

“Social Justice and the Media” is the theme of the one-day symposium, sponsored by the University of South Carolina School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Registration is free.  

To submit an abstract for a research paper, research in progress presentation, or panel, or to register, visit the symposium website at

The submission deadline is January 11, 2021.

Contact symposium Kenneth Campbell at for more information.

2021 Ronald T. and Gayla D. Farrar Award in Media & Civil Rights History

Entries are being accepted for the 2021 Ronald T. and Gayla D. Farrar Award in Media & Civil Rights History, which recognizes the best journal article or chapter in an edited collection on the historical relationship between the media and civil rights, published in 2019 or 2020.

The recipient will receive a plaque and a $1,000 prize, and will present the scholarship in a featured address at the virtual 2021 Media & Civil Rights History Symposium, March 26, 2021, at the University of South Carolina. To nominate, visit

The nomination deadline is January 11, 2021.

Contact Kenneth Campbell at for more information.

Call: 2021 AEJMC conference panel proposals

It’s already time to start submitting 2021 AEJMC conference panel proposals. If you have an idea for a panel, please send me an email with:

1.     The title of the proposal

2.     Whether the panel is teaching, research or PF&R

3.     A brief summary of what the panel is about

4.     The potential co-sponsor (another AEJMC division/interest group/commission)

5.     Whom you propose to be on the panel, including a short bio of each panelist and a short description of what each panelist would discuss.

I would like panel proposals by 11:59 p.m. Eastern on Friday, Sept. 18. The final selection of panels and panelists will be determined after negotiations with the other AEJ divisions/interest groups/commissions. Please let Cayce Myers ( know if you have questions.”