Category Archives: Journalism History

Call for Editor – Journalism History

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication invites applications for editor of Journalism History

Adopted as the official journal of the History Division in 2018, Journalism History is well respected as the oldest peer-reviewed journal of mass media history in the United States. Continuously published since 1974, this scholarly journal is a quarterly publication that features excellent scholarship on media history.  

The division seeks an editor to start in August 2020 as an apprentice to the current editor until the new editor’s three-and-a-half-year term commences in August 2021. The term is renewable.

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It’s a Podcast Celebration!

Podcast cake
The Journalism History podcast team: Will Mari, Nick Hirshon, Teri Finneman and Erika Pribanic-Smith.

The Journalism History podcast celebrated its first birthday earlier this month and recognized it with a cake at AJHA. The podcast has been downloaded in 47 states and 49 countries and has officially reached 4,000 downloads.

A note from the Journalism History editor

Journalism History earlier this year joined the ranks of academic publications distributed by Taylor & Francis’ highly professional production team. With a full volume in this arrangement nearing completion, Journalism History still features the articles, essays, and reviews that have drawn writers and readers to it in previous decades.

As a reminder to long-time readers as well as those new to the journal, changes in our submission process now requires use of the Editorial Manager site ( Melita M. Garza still administers book review materials at

By way of other updates, I can share a few noteworthy observations:

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Publication Committee appointees’ bios

UPDATE (9/10/18): The ratification poll has closed. Members approved the appointments by a vote of 103-0.

The History Division’s officers seek to appoint the following division members to the new Publications Committee, established to assist in overseeing the publication of Journalism History. In order to ratify the five appointments to this committee, members should vote yes or no via this Qualtrics survey. Deadline to vote is 11:59 p.m. Pacific time on Sept. 7.

Because the committee is launching this year, two of the initial appointees will serve a three-year term and three will serve for two years. Thereafter, terms will be staggered.

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Journalism History now part of the division website

Journalism History has another web home.

Following the decision last year by the division membership to adopt Journalism History as the division’s journal, a new section of the division website has been created to provide a front door to the journal. The new section contains background about the journal, information for contributors and subscription information. The editorial staff and corresponding editors are listed on the Journalism History page as well.

To get to the Journalism History page, follow the link in the navigation at the top of the division website.