Where do you work: The School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. I start in the fall.
Where did you get your Ph.D.: The Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Minnesota.
What’s your current favorite class: My favorite class I’ve taught so far as been Podcasting and Audio Storytelling. I taught that during my time at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. I’m sure that will change as I get into my new role at Mizzou.
What’s your current research project: I have two primary projects now. One is a book project with colleagues Teri Finneman and Pat Ferrucci, titled Reviving Rural News: Transforming the Business Model of Community Journalism in the U.S. and Beyond. We are under contract with Routledge. The other is a solo book project, titled Cries from the desert: Living with the loss of local news. I am finalizing the proposal now, and I hope to get it to possible presses very soon.
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