Liseblad, Parks Honored for Exceptional Service

Madeleine Liseblad and Perry Parks will be recognized during the History Division’s virtual Awards Gala for Exceptional Service to the History Division.

Liseblad and Parks

This new honor from the chair and vice chair recognizes these junior scholars for their behind-the-scenes commitment to advance the importance of journalism history through public relations initiatives.

Liseblad of Middle Tennessee State University has spent the past year as Clio editor and posts ongoing news on the division’s website. She is also a member of the Awards Gala Committee.

Parks of Michigan State University serves on the division’s membership committee and is the social media coordinator for the Journalism History podcast, which releases new content every two weeks.

“I am a firm believer that behind-the-scenes workers deserve credit for their contributions that are too often taken for granted,” Chair Teri Finneman said. “Maddie and Perry do critical ongoing work all year that serves every division member and our operations in multiple roles. They have truly provided exceptional service to the division this year that deserves to be recognized.”

“I am so crazy grateful for both of these selfless scholars,” Vice Chair Will Mari said. “They are truly modest miracle workers.”

Liseblad and Parks will receive certificates during the division’s Awards Gala on Aug. 7.

The officers will recommend during the division business meeting that members vote for Liseblad to join the officer team during the 2020-21 school year.