Media & Civil Rights History Symposium call for papers and panels – November 1 deadline

Papers and panel proposals are being accepted for the third Media & Civil Rights History Symposium.

The symposium brings together civil rights and media historians and welcomes scholars from multiple disciplines.  Papers and panel proposals should focus on the historical relationship between media and civil rights, particularly on the symposium theme of “Black Power, Political Imagination and the Media.”

Complete proposals or papers must include an abstract of no more then 500 words and a one-page cv for each author or panelist. Submissions must also include complete contact information for each author or panelist. Panel proposals should include a title and designation of the panel moderator.

Deadline for submissions is November 1, 2014.

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of South Carolina will host the symposium April 2-4, 2015, in Columbia, S.C.

The symposium flier has more information.