Member Spotlight: Autumn Linford

Where are you currently getting your Ph.D.? 

University of North Carolina Hussman School of Journalism and Media

What brought you into grad school for journalism? 

As a lifelong journalist (I began my career as a cub reporter for my hometown daily as a teenager), I’ve always understood the importance of journalism. After more than a decade on the job, I was inspired to study journalism in hopes of helping improve the field. 

Why media history? 

Everything that journalism is now is related to its past. If we want to understand and challenge the problems of today, we must first understand just how deeply the root of those problems run. 

Current research project? 

I am currently working on my dissertation, which focuses on girl newsies between 1865-1920 and argues that newsgirls were essential newsworkers with gender-specific experiences. They are a forgotten but fascinating topic! 

Fun fact about yourself? 

I like to make subversive cross-stitches.