Summer Clio features convention preview

Just in time to add to your summer reading list, the latest issue of Clio is here!

The summer issue has a rundown of History Division sessions at the upcoming annual convention in Chicago and profiles of the winners of the Book Award and the Covert Award. Make a note that the division members meeting is at 7pm on Friday, August 11.

Also in this issue:

  • Division head Michael Sweeney has thoughts on the role the annual convention plays in the circle of life of a scholar.
  • Frank Fee has an update from the committee exploring whether the division should take over the journal Journalism History.
  • PF&R Chair Tracy Lucht addresses how journalism historians could respond to attacks on press freedom.
  • An excerpt from Jason Peterson’s book Full Court Press: Mississippi State University, the Press, and the Battle to Integrate College Basketball.

And lots more!

Grab a glass of lemonade and the Summer issue of Clio. You can download the issue from the Clio page, or go directly to the Summer issue.