Category Archives: Calls

Posts related to calls for papers, conference panels, conferences and so on.

Ida B. Wells to be focus of Southeast Colloquium pre-conference event

The work and impact of Ida B. Wells will be the focus of a special pre-conference event in conjunction with the 40th Annual AEJMC Southeast Colloquium.

“Ida B. Wells and Beyond” will feature a keynote as well as peer-reviewed paper presentations and panel sessions. Scholarship should focus on the life, career and legacy of Ida B. Wells-Barnett or the work of like-minded social justice crusaders in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

The Southeast Colloquium will be March 26-28, 2015. To have your original research considered for presentation, submit a two-page extended abstract of your manuscript and/or a five-page panel proposal in as a Word or PDF document (minus identifying information) to Amber Roessner at Deadline is November 15, 2014. Selected entrants will be notified no later than January 15, 2015, and will present their scholarship on March 26, prior to the Southeast Colloquium’s opening reception.

Contact Roessner with questions or for more information.

The School of Journalism & Electronic Media at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is hosting the day-long event.



Call for Papers – Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War and Free Expression

The steering committee of the twenty-second annual Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression solicits papers dealing with U.S. mass media of the 19th century, the Civil War in fiction and history, freedom of expression in the 19th century, presidents and the 19th century press, images of race and gender in the 19th century press, sensationalism and crime in 19th century newspapers, and the press in the Gilded Age. Selected papers will be presented during the three-day conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 6-8, 2014. The top three papers and the top three student papers will be honored accordingly. Due to the generosity of the Walter and Leona Schmitt Family Foundation Research Fund, the winners of the student awards will receive $250 honoraria for delivering their papers at the conference. To learn more, see the full call for papers at

Reviewers needed for convention paper submissions

The History Division needs reviewers for papers submitted for the 2014 AEJMC convention in Montreal.

If you are willing to review papers, contact Yong Volz at Indicate your area of expertise and/or interest. The division needs about 75 reviewers for the competition.

Graduate students are not eligible to serve as reviewers, and, in genera, reviewers should not have submitted their own research into the competition.

History Division Call for Papers for 2014 AEJMC Convention

The History Division invites submissions of original research papers and historiographical essays on all aspects of media history for the AEJMC 2014 convention in Montreal, Canada. All research methodologies are welcome.

Papers will be evaluated on originality and importance of topic; literature review; clarity of research purpose; focus; use of evince to support the paper’s purpose and conclusions; and the degree to which the paper contributes to the field of journalism and mass communication history. The History Division presents awards for the top three faculty papers. Continue reading

Call for submissions regarding preserving news content – Newspaper Research Journal

Newspaper Research Journal is seeking submissions for a special issue focused on the preservation of news content. “Capturing and Preserving the ‘First Draft of History’ in the Digital Environment” will focus on issues related to preserving content, particularly “born digital” content such as “big data” projects and interactive visualizations.

Special issue editors Kathleen A. Hansen and Nora Paul are looking for manuscripts that will provide insights into the challenges and issues news organizations are facing with respect to capturing the daily product, efficiently storing it and making it accessible to users. Social-scientific and critical-cultural approaches will be considered. Historical perspectives are welcome.

Deadline for submission is August 2, 2014, with publication in Summer 2015. Direct questions or submissions to Kathleen A. Hansen ( or Nora Paul ( at the University of Minnesota. See the attached PDF file for more details.

Call for book award entries

The History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication is soliciting entries for its award for the best journalism and mass communication history book of 2013.  The award is given annually, and the winning author will receive a plaque and a cash prize at the August 2014 AEJMC conference in Montréal.  The competition is open to any author of a relevant history book regardless of whether he or she belongs to AEJMC or the History Division. Authorship is defined as the person or persons who wrote the book, not just edited it. Only those books with a 2013 copyright date will be accepted. Compilations, anthologies, articles, and monographs will be excluded because they qualify for the Covert Award, another AEJMC History Division competition. Continue reading


The History Division is looking for volunteers to serve in the following leadership positions:

Secretary (leadership track): Election to this position involves a three year commitment to the Division. The person elected as secretary at the 2013 business meeting will serve as the editor of the Division’s quarterly newsletter Clio during the 2013-14 academic year. The following year (2014-15), this person will become the Vice Head and Research Chair and be responsible for running the Division’s research paper competition.  Then, in the final year (2015-16), this person will be Head of the Division and the Program Chair, planning the programs for the annual conference.

Co-Coordinator, Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference (AEJMC representative): This is a two year commitment beginning in August 2014. It involves serving as the program planner for the 2015 JJCHC meeting, which is the annual joint meeting of AJHA and the AEJMC History Division held each March in New York City. During the second year, this person would serve as the site coordinator for the meeting, responsible for the day-of logistics at the conference site.

If you are interested in one of these positions, or would like to nominate someone, please e-mail Lisa Burns ( by July 22nd and include a brief biography and statement explaining your interest in the position (word limit: 500) that can be distributed to Division members prior to the business meeting in August.

Call for Papers: Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War and Free Expression

Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression
November 7-9, 2013
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

The steering committee of the twenty-first annual Symposium on the 19th Century Press, the Civil War, and Free Expression solicits papers dealing with U.S. mass media of the 19th century, the Civil War in fiction and history, freedom of expression in the 19th century, presidents and the 19th century press, images of race and gender in the 19th century press, and sensationalism and crime in 19th century newspapers. Selected papers will be presented during the three-day conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 7-9, 2013.  The top three papers and the top three student papers will be honored accordingly. Due to the generosity of the Walter and Leona Schmitt Family Foundation Research Fund, the winners of the student awards will receive $250 honoraria for delivering their papers at the conference.

Continue reading

Call for Papers – AEJMC 2013 Annual Convention

The History Division invites submissions of original research papers and historiographical essays on all aspects of media history for the AEJMC 2013 convention in Washington, D.C. All research methodologies are welcome.

Papers will be evaluated on originality and importance of topic; literature review; clarity of research purpose; focus; use of evidence to support the paper’s purpose and conclusions; and the degree to which the paper contributes to the field of journalism and mass communication history. The Division presents awards for the top three faculty papers. Continue reading

2013 Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference

(The American Journalism Historians Association and the AEJMC History Division joint spring meeting)

When: SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2013
Time: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Place: Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, New York University,
20 Cooper Square, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10003 (website:
Cost: $50 (includes continental breakfast and lunch)

You are invited to submit a 500-600 word proposal for completed
papers, research in progress or panel discussions for presentation at
the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference—the American
Journalism Historians Association and the AEJMC History Division joint
spring meeting. Innovative research and ideas from all areas of
journalism and communication history and from all time periods are
welcome. Scholars from all academic disciplines and stages of their
academic careers are encouraged to participate. This conference
offers participants the chance to explore new ideas, garner feedback
on their work, and meet colleagues from around the world interested in
journalism and communication history in a welcoming environment. Your
proposal should include a brief abstract detailing your presentation
topic as well as a compelling rationale why the research is of
interest to an interdisciplinary community of scholars. Continue reading